“HIGH5 Marketing” a LEAD-TO-SALES Innovative and Contactless Project Sales Tool

It was only 10 years ago, or less, that we all were looking at development projects marketing as an eventful ecosystem where one side, the developers, was shouting out through print ads, huge billboards, street buntings, private events and exhibitions how good the new projects were.

On the other side, the property buyers, were having plenty of interesting opportunities for property investment self-education, do compare/contrast analysis, talking for hours with sales representatives and so on. 

I can still remember 2012 till 2014 how often property expo organizers and property developers’ marketing teams were engaging, choosing from a diverse and insightful group of speakers, property experts to give talks on property location, investment, economics and more. 

“High5 Marketing&Quot; A Lead-To-Sales Innovative And Contactless Project Sales Tool

What was important those times, was to really give meaningful insights to the audience in terms of data on property market, investment strategies, future hotspots and more. 

Then, from beautiful heights to stressful lows, the property ecosystem, at large, has evolved till becoming what it was in 2019, a “projects’ overpopulated arena” with plenty of very good, as well as very bad, projects and a new public eager to buy a dreamed of property without, though, good knowledge of it. 

Social media, slowly, become the new marketing battlefield where marketers, not only for development projects, were engaging in a much easier way the public using old techniques applied to a new tool while discovering the power of social media in terms of public reach, cost per leads, engagement rates, viral/organic growth and so on. Here you can find interesting reading and infographic on the history of social media marketing.

“High5 Marketing&Quot; A Lead-To-Sales Innovative And Contactless Project Sales Tool

I call this four to five years’ period, the Marketing Transition Phase, an interesting period where sales and marketing specialists studied the cause/effect process of this new tool, the social media platforms, and discovered the power of keywords, hashtags and tagging.  

By the end of 2019 the property marketplace totally shifted its marketing gimmicks towards the digital way where, if a developer didn’t have at least a Facebook and Instagram account, both very happening, was looked at as not trustable.

From their side, developers discovered both sides of this “Marketing Digitalised Coin” called social media! One side representing the easy reach of public and consequent huge quantity of leads generated, the opposite one representing the easy way in which, developers’ mistakes or “below expectations deliveries”, were publicly exposed and wracked!

“High5 Marketing&Quot; A Lead-To-Sales Innovative And Contactless Project Sales Tool

For marketing specialists, building a brand became a faster process, compared to the older times, but burning it suddenly turned out as being an instantaneous process too!

Reviews and ratings, besides page likes, comments and sharing, totally transformed the way to address and communicate messages to the public. Read here more on this key point to better understand it!

Organic grow of social media, fed by relevant and very insightful content, became the new way to talk, virtually, to the public

A new generation of property buyers was addressed with all these new marketing tools and techniques when, suddenly, the world as we knew it drastically changed!

Between February and April 2020, the whole world discovered the meaning of lockdown and social distancing and, once more, marketers had to rewrite the Marketing Rules’ Book and re-engineer their strategies.

Technology, which in the previous few years has made a shy appearance in the property market as PropTech, suddenly became an integral part of the new normal and developers, eager to adopt it, began using the available solutions to collect booking and sell their project online to the existing prospects.

It worked, and even during the worst months of the great lockdown, they managed to collect booking, completing sales and deliver completed properties! Unfortunately, old prospects and leads were over and generating new ones via diverse marketing campaigns become the new challenge where PropTech, apparently, couldn’t help. 

“High5 Marketing&Quot; A Lead-To-Sales Innovative And Contactless Project Sales Tool

PropTech players, pushed by developers in need of new leads generating tools, engaged with marketers and through studies and analysis, an innovative way of addressing the new marketing challenge was developed. Having been a player in both the marketing and PropTech ecosystem, ProSales, leveraging on the powerful tech tools and data generated by its PropTech solution, has re-engineered the whole “Lead-To-Sales” marketing process.

Concerned about the “since-ever-challenge” of controlling marketing and sales’ costs for developers, ProSales also managed to provide huge cost per lead cutting compared to the old traditional way!

“HIGH5” represents a five steps strategy that allows developers to capture the attention of fresh leads, nurture them through meaningful education, excite them with new experiences and finally get them to confirm their purchase. The HIGH5 marketing keywords of this new process are: 


Attracting new leads and transforming them, with a high conversion rate, in completed sales will happen through a predefined journey which ProSales has fully automated for the convenience of property developers, agents selling their projects, and most importantly, the consumers or property buyers.

“High5 Marketing&Quot; A Lead-To-Sales Innovative And Contactless Project Sales Tool

The Property Buying Journey, designed to give a unique experience and high value to the homebuyers, happens through the following 5 fully virtual steps. 

Creating New and Exciting Experiences through Relevant Content Marketing

Relevant content is educating your readers and driving them towards a newly designed way to understand the unique selling points of your project. Explaining first, through independent sources of information, how property buying should be looked at, will enable the virtual visitors to have a unique experience while visiting, in totally new, highly personalised and virtual way surroundings, accessibility, landmarks, amenities, sales gallery, show house, facilities and more.

Nurturing New Leads in a Simple but Effective Way

Simplicity is fundamental to allow access and use to everyone! Let’s keep our focus on the buyers and not try to impress them with high-tech, often difficult to use, features.

KISS: Keep It Super Simple and they will love you!

Simplicity means also being very effective in the marketing messages and proactive towards the warm lead that has been generated above. Do not let it become cold and this, in a totally automated and virtual way, is what happens in the second phase of HIGH5. Then the lead is ready to be handed over to the sales representative, be it the developer’s or agent, for the closing.

Guarantee a Full Contactless Experience 

While Proceeding with the Sales Presentation and Choice of Unit both presenter and homebuyer will be comfortable sitting in the respective homes or preferred place. Maintaining contactless but effective marketing communication is the root of HIGH5, always better “Be safe than Be sorry”!

The whole buying experience must be kept Seamless

The homebuyer is virtually and safely accompanied by the sales representative through a simple and seamless journey moving from the choice of the unit in the sales chart to the direct view of the unit, with a contactless hand in hand walk through the virtual showhouse till the filling of the e-booking and its e-signing.

Buyer’s Convenience is the Priority 

HIGH5 has been developed with buyers’ convenience in mind. KYC, an acronym often used as a financial password, has now been adopted by HIGH5 marketing tool to understand what is that buyers want.

KYC: Know Your Clients, what are they looking for and what is important to them!

And the first thing they always look for is convenience. The payment gateway adopted in the process is safe, experienced with more than 20 years in the marketplace and very convenient to use.

“High5 Marketing&Quot; A Lead-To-Sales Innovative And Contactless Project Sales Tool

Wrapping up

There is much more to be said about this HIGH5 new Lead-To-Sale effective tool and ProSales has organised a series of free webinars on this highly innovative way to finally provide property developers with what they need the most, HOT LEADS & HIGH CONVERSION RATE at lower costs compared to the past!

Let us know your challenges, we’d love to be able to help you, click here to contact us or leave a comment below, we’ll be in touch in a short while.

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